Cacao Temple - Artisan Raw Chocolate blends, bars, Dorset

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Warm and Creamy Cacao Liquid Love Blend

The Best Ever Hot Chocolate (Not Boiling)

We say (Not Boiling) as we want you to receive as many benefits as possible from drinking the Love Blend, all the superfood ingredients in our blends are raw so it makes sense not to overheat them by adding boiling liquid to them. Ensuring you, that your gaining all those life giving nutrients deep into your cells.

To a blender add the following:-

1 Hot Cup of Chai Tea ( I use the Yogi brand)

1 or 2 TBS of Cacao Butter or Coconut Butter

1 TBS Cacao Liquid Love Blend

1 Cup of Plant Mylk

Dollop of natural sweetener to taste

Optional Additions :

Few drops of CBD Oil for a chill the f**k out factor :)

Maca for some extra balance and/or Ashwaganda for extra stress relief

Blitz all together a few seconds for a nice frothy top, pour into your fave cup and enjoy!

Top with cacao nibs and a few rose petals.

n.b. This can all be heated very slowly & gently in a saucepan if you don’t have a blender. Just be mindful of over heating.