Cacao Temple - Artisan Raw Chocolate blends, bars, Dorset

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What is Gelatinised Maca in our Cacao Liquid Love Blend ?

Q. We often get asked if the Gelatinised Maca in our Cacao Liquid Love Blend has animal gelatin contained in it and what does it help with? 

A. Despite its name, Gelatinised Maca is a plant based root vegetable grown in Peru and suitable for a vegan diet. There is no actual gelatine from cows, pigs, or any other animals that has been added.

The name ‘gelatinised’ comes from the process of removing the starch from the Maca Root, this starch can be responsible for gas and bloating especially in people that have IBS or a leaky gut, for this reason we have chosen to add the gelatinised version to our blend so that it is gentler on the digestion. So Maca farts are no longer! 

Maca is highly beneficial for many reasons :

An excellent source of vital vitamins and minerals

Contemporary urban lifestyles deprived so many people of the vitamins and minerals that healthy bodies require. Maca Root contains great quantities of vitamin B12, and it provides valuable B1 and B2 vitamins. Also, it is a welcome source of vitamins C and E. Furthermore; Maca users get a protein boost. And extra zinc, iron, magnesium and other valuable minerals. In these ways, it reduces problems of fatigue and re-energises the body.

Helps to deal with the stresses of the menopause

Only a woman can appreciate the emotional and physical challenges that the menopause brings. They discover that the addition of maca to their meal plans reduces the chronic fatigue, anxiety and other common menopause symptoms. Given the understandable concerns over the use of antidepressant drugs, the availability of this natural alternative is welcome news. Even though maca takers do not need to fear any serious side effects, it is still best to avoid taking large doses.

Used to fight off fatigue

You do not need to be a woman dealing with menopause stress to appreciate how maca root assists an exhausted body to overcome fatigue. Frequent users report how they experience a rise in energy levels within a few days from the time they start to take it. The food's reputation in this area makes it a logical choice for athletes to add to their meal plans.

Improve mental abilities

In addition to improving physical energy, some users notice that maca seems to enhance their thinking abilities and memory. Thus, it could be a good idea for students to take a teaspoon full of maca each day as the exam season approaches. It is possible that maca could also delay the onset of mentally debilitating diseases although there is no scientific evidence that its powers extend this far.

A general health tonic

The health-giving compounds that maca root contains make it a good choice for a health booster. For example, the iron it brings into the bloodstream lowers the risk of anemia, and its vitamin C increases protection against colds and the flu. Some claim that maca lowers the risk of prostate disease, but this assertion lacks scientific proof at present.

Could relieve depression symptoms

The successful employment of maca root to treat menopause stress is just one of many examples where it could replace anti-depressant drugs. It does so by raising energy levels and initiating hormonal changes that produce a more positive mental state. Regular doses of maca might help pull someone out of a depression. Nevertheless, nobody who is currently taking anti-depressants should stop taking them and replace them with maca without first obtaining their doctor's authorisation.

Good for the bone structure

The presence of trace elements of calcium is one of the main reasons why maca root benefits the bone structure. These benefits include strengthening bones and increasing bone density. Some users are convinced that daily doses can prevent the development of osteoporosis. While there is no scientific backing behind such statements, a great deal of anecdotal evidence is available.

Could help to reduce toxins in the body

Poor quality foods, lack of exercise and exposure to car fumes and other pollutants are just two of the most common causes of toxin accumulations in the body. Glucosinates, and other antioxidants found in a dose of maca strengthen resistance to the damage that free radical compounds cause to cells.  It is ideal to live in an environment and follow a lifestyle that minimises toxins in the bloodstream. However, in situations where such a dramatic change is not practical, regular doses of maca root could improve immunity.

Valuable skin care properties

The gains from applying maca to the skin do not receive as much attention as its other benefits. That being said many users testify that it helps them. Certainly, some of its properties assist in the repair of damaged tissues and so its skin care value should not be a big surprise. Some find that it helps to rid them of acne and other sources of skin damage. It is also applied the skin to protect it in very hot or cold weather.