
Award winning nutritionist Barbara Cox speaks to us about weight loss and how we can enter the journey with a mindful and holistic approach. Losing weight is a delicate and scientific subject and is not something we want people to struggle with, especially for vanity reasons,  as we all know that loving ourselves for who we are is the way forward. We also know that carrying excess weight isn’t healthy for us, the thought of strict diets and heavy gym regimes puts many people right off even considering the idea, so is there a different way? 

Barbara – Yes, there is a safe and different way to permanently lose the un-needed weight that is getting you down. Bear in mind that every ‘body’ and everybody is different and unique so a “One Size Fits All” solution will probably end poorly!

What's the first most important piece of advice that you would give to someone wanting to lose weight?

Barbara – research is first then patience is second! In today’s world, there are far too many fads and gimmicks and clever marketing that is luring you in and duping you with unrealistic promises of weight loss. Be aware and research yourself and ask for recommendations from clients who have successfully been through a weight loss program and not themselves trying to sell you something.

Why do you think so many people struggle to lose weight?

Barbara – because they aren’t finding the right solution that is bespoke to them, over the right realistic time frame. 

We understand that you have a holistic approach to weight loss, what is it about this way that works?

Barbara – since 2004, I have been successful with clients permanently losing weight with my programs because most people use the outdated equation of: 

eat less + more exercise = weight loss = in-correct advice

I’ve created a weight loss system that encompasses hormone balance, carb cravings, oxidative stress, appetite and hunger, cellular nutrition, sleep, stress levels, insulin resistance, diet, gut bacteria, metabolism, inflammation and exercise PLUS alongside mentoring, goal setting and education for a holistic approach with lasting results.

Do people need a lot of discipline and motivation to start their weight loss journey? 

Barbara - Yes, of course. For anything in your life to change it takes commitment, motivation and discipline. The great thing with my programs is that once you learn the new way of living, it builds momentum that you’re positively seeing lots of changes and you create a “nutrition tool box” so if times get tough, then you have the tools ready to fix an issue. 

How would you suggest for people to start exercising if they haven’t done anything for years?

Barbara – I’m not a Personal trainer so I give exercise guidelines starting with a 4 minute routine that has proven results and then they can build from there. As mentioned above, exercise is only 1/20th of the solution so although VERY necessary in the equation, it must be in conjunction with the other 19/20 for lasting results.

How does mindset enter into weight loss?

Barbara - Having the open mindset to incorporate the step by step weight loss ideas is essential. As with everything in life, you can take a positive approach or a negative one. A positive approach will lead to faster results that last longer and raise your outlook to be being happier once you’ve achieved your goals. A negative mind set leads to a stop-start, give-up, slow and disappointing way to achieving your weight loss goals. Nobody want to fail or wants you to fail so personally, the easiest choice is to be positively successful!

We’ve heard the term “mindful eating” popping up a lot recently, can you tell us more about this? 

Barbara – we live in a fast-paced society where multi-tasking and eating go hand in hand. “Mindful Eating” has many different aspects and a few are:

  • When you eat….then just eat (don’t drink, read, watch tv, talk, etc…..Just enjoy your food)

  • Be grateful for the food that you’re eating

  • Make healthy choices for your food

There's so much contradictory information about what foods you should and shouldn’t eat, the internet and social media are full of it, do eat bananas, don’t eat bananas. How do we know what to believe?

Barbara – agreed, very confusing to the general public so my best advice is to seek professional advice as again, every ‘body’ and everybody is different. 

So many of our clients tell us that our Cacao Liquid Love Blend No 1 has helped them with weight loss, can you share with us your thoughts as to why you think cacao can assist with weight loss?

Barbara – I am a fan of Liquid Love Blend No 1 too as it hits all the right notes for satisfaction and health benefits.

Firstly, I like the fact that it’s vegan, dairy, sugar and gluten-free and guilt-free due to the healthy ingredients!

It’s a great source of nutrients to build up your cellular nutrition, control blood sugar levels, cut cravings, promote healthy gut bacteria, boost immune system and it tastes fantastic!

Barbara’s top tips

  1. Get a plan and stick to it for at least 90 days. Be committed, resilient and re-educate yourself about what healthy living really means.

  1. Join a community for weight loss that is professional, supportive, gives unbiased advice and has a great track record with clients on achieving weight loss results.

  1. Whether you’re looking to lose weight or just feel fantastic everyday, you must add Liquid Love Blend to your routine for health, happiness, longevity and success……..which is my wish for EVERYONE!