PETE THE ENERGY DOCTOR - Acknowledging that there are many reasons why people feel pain.

Pete the Energy Doctor

I started by asking Pete what it was that he did. I finally got to the bottom of this answer about an hour later! Even then I’m not sure that I still got a straight answer!  Pete is reluctant to put a single label on his work and being as dynamic as the work is, we can understand why.

So for the purpose of this interview, I’m going to refer to Pete as an Energy Doctor.

Pete qualified as a Chiropractor in 2005 and has also trained in other therapies over the years including Reflexology, Reiki and Heart and Soul Healing – a therapy based on the release of energy-depleting emotions. This work was developed in the United States by Ken Page, who is the nephew of Drunvalo Melchizadek.

Pete adopts a holistic approach to his chiropractic work; acknowledging that there are many reasons why people feel pain. Whilst primarily using his chiropractic diagnostic tools and clinical experience to find the driver behind their pain, he also realises that there are often many other contributory factors; including postural challenges related to the use of computers and mobile phones and other devices, poor eating and drinking choices and last but certainly not least; life stress in all its forms. The combined effect of these factors can often lead to very low energy levels. And so whilst aiming to reveal the primary cause of pain, Pete says he always tries to find out how he can help in as broad and deep away as the client will allow and to aim to treat the whole person and not just the condition.  

What are the most common pains that people come to you with and why do you think this is?

 Neck, low back, and sciatic nerve pain.

Probably because many people believe these are the only conditions that chiropractors treat.

Chiropractors need to be more active in getting the word out that they can treat a whole range of issues many of which are based on rebalancing the nervous system


What do you believe that one of the biggest misconceptions people have about living a healthy life?

That the words “healthy life” translate as sheer deprivation from tasty food; whilst living a miserable existence eating salads, drinking water and jogging round the block every day as the only way to stay slim and healthy.


What are your thoughts about people working with technology?

 Great! And I’m all for it……. Well sort of! Technology, whilst viewed by many as bad for our health, dominates our lives these days and much of it is certainly of potential benefit to society. However, from a health point of view, it seems that activities, like sitting at a computer in an unsupported way and forever flexing forwards whilst using mobile phones or other devices, could be contributing to an increase in neck, shoulder and upper back issues. It would be interesting to survey other chiropractors to see whether they have noticed an increase in clients turning up at their clinic with pain and stiffness issues in these areas of the body.


What's your favourite book and why?

My choice would be Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson with The Beano Annual (any year) a close second. Anything written by Bob Wilson is great in my opinion and Cosmic Trigger (all three volumes of it) is both a serious and a seriously funny perspective on the meaning of life on Earth


Wow! these book covers!

How does wellbeing come up in your own life?

From a health and fitness perspective, I’ve always played lots of sport and that’s my preferred way of keeping fit. I’m not that disciplined when it comes to keeping fit through visiting the gym but I try and go at least once a week plus a regular weekly Pilates session with my wife.

If I’m honest I could be more consistent with my eating and drinking habits but by and large, I eat simple, healthy foods including some meat and fish. I tend to drink mainly water these days and one daily cup of coffee – not forgetting Jo and Mark’s Love Blend of course. Favourite food? Its always been chocolate (100% sugar-free these days)


Pete’s top tips for staying healthy and happy.

1. Do your best to eat and drink real food that your body can recognise

2. Regardless of your age, whenever possible, just go outside and play!

3. Don’t stress about the days when you can’t do 1 and 2 perfectly

4. Eat chocolate at least once a day (cacao)

5. Be brave and show the world your USP even if the world doesn’t always get where you are coming from.

6. Be a rebel! 


We know that our Cacao Love Blend is your favourite drink what is it about it that you love?

 Easy. It’s delicious, unique and made with Love.