Raw Chocolate Truffles

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Having a sweet treat can often lead to feelings of guilt but here at Cacao Temple we strive to help you to make healthy alternatives to sugary sweet treats. These chocolate truffles can be used as an after meal treat or a quick chocolate fix! Free from refined sugar, grains & gluten but still deliciously smooth and full of health giving ingredients. 

Raw Chocolate Truffles

1 cup raw seeds or nuts of choice (we like cashews and/or sunflower soaked a while) 

1/4 cup Cacao Liquid Love Blend (L.L.B)

1tsp vanilla extract 

 1/4 tsp sea salt

1 cup dates soaked for couple of hours 

 2-3 tbsp of the date soaked water

Coatings: cacao powder, desiccated coconut, hemp seeds, ground nibs, beetroot powder (or whatever you fancy to coat)

How to make them:

Place nuts/seeds in a food processor and whizz until finely ground. Pulse in L.L.B, vanilla and salt. Chop the soaked dates and add into the mix with the water, adding a little at a time until dough comes together nicely. Roll the dough into small bite sized balls. Then roll in cacao powder, coconut or your preferred coatings.

Refrigerate for about 30 mins and enjoy!

Tip: for extra flavour try adding some tasty essential oils such as dōTERRA Wild Orange, Lemon, Peppermint, Rose Oil.